Health Benefits of Health Carewiz Capsule:-
Winwiz Health Carewiz Capsule is an ayurvedic treatment for the fitness of
men and women. It is helpful to cure or treat memory issues, sugar level,
less energy, poor digestion. It does not have any side effect.
Some Health Benefits of Woman Carewiz Capsules:-
- Improves Digestion and Appetite
- Relieves Constipation
- Keeps Away Mental Weakness
- Boosts Immunity
- Increases Memory Power
- Quick Recovery of Health after Illness
- Maintain Body Strength and Sugar Level
- Protects the Liver
- Reduce Fatigue and Stress
Kaunch Beej
Vidari Kand
Gokhur Chhota
Dosage and Method of Use
- One or Two Capsule Twice a day After Meal with lukewarm water or as directed by physician
- Store in original sealed container in cool and dry place.
- Protected from direct sunlight.
- Store out of reach of children.